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Team Placement Policy

How will my child be placed on a team? One of the biggest questions we field as a board is this very question. This is a very large and difficult task, as you can imagine, with close to three hundred forty football athletes in the 2022 regular season alone. There is no one correct solution to the major issue, and hours are spent on this task each season. We can guarantee you of one thing throughout this process, and one thing only: all children are guaranteed a place to play. There are, as the saying goes, "one hundred ways to skin a cat". At this time, the board of directors has chosen to place teams generally based on the school your child attends. We often run into instances where numbers do not align and athletes may be placed on teams with other athletes of other schools. We try to be as equitable as possible during team placement, but we always heed caution when people assume team placements, or assume that they will stay on the same team from year to year. We also often run into people wanting their registration fees returned after they discover they are not on the team they wanted/ thought they would be, even though they are told up front that we do not guarantee placements. We simply cannot afford to refund fees after we continually spend money to support our programs. 

  1. All children are guaranteed a place to play. 
  2. There is no guarantee as to what team your child/children will be placed on. 
  3. If you have made a request during the online registration process, there is no guarantee that we will be able to accommodate that request.