All families are asked to purchase a soft padded helmet for the spring season if they have not already.
An example of a soft padded helmet can be found at this link: . You are not required to buy this exact one, however, the material must be soft and pliable– no hard-shelled helmets. If a helmet is in question, it will be examined by the equipment director.
If you cannot afford a soft padded helmet or mouthguard, email
Every athlete will need a mouthguard. Coaches will be given one mouthguard per athlete to hand out at the first practice. Feel free to purchase this on your own. If your child misplaces theirs, you may also buy one from the league for $1 on game days.
Cleats are HIGHLY recommended. Any pair will do.
Athleticwear is recommended. (What does this mean?) If your child is not a fan of dri-fit, no worries. By athleticwear, we simply mean clothes that you and your family do not mind getting dirty or sweaty. It should be breathable and, most importantly, comfortable for your child to wear.